
Huang Lab, Broad Institute

Pantophlet Laboratory at Simon Fraser University

Friedman Lab, Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University

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French Colonial Historical Society

The Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition

Cancer Chemical Biology and Metabolism (CCBM) Training Program at DFCI

Synthetic Biology Center @ MIT

The Center for Virology and Vaccine Research

Aaron Sojourner, Labor Economist

Life at Tepper, student blog at Carnegie Mellon University

The Chronicle of Evidence-based Mentoring

ERC / University of Barcelona Rethinking Conscious Agency

WormGUIDES, UConn, Yale

Voices of Democracy

Elizabeth G. Pontikes Associate, The University of California, Davis

Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD

Darin A. Croft, Case Western Reserve University
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